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All parts are listed alphabetically by description, and then the part number follows. It may be helpful to use the "edit" and then "find on this page" feature of your browser to speed your search. If you have any part numbers to add to this list, please email them to me. Please keep in mind that I do not sell these parts, I merely maintain this database for fellow enthusiasts.

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Part Name Part Number Quantity
BBS Electra 17" x 7" +53 (Silver) 2810022010 1
BBS Electra 17" x 7" +53 (Gold) 2810022020 1
BBS Electra 17" x 7" +53 (White) 2810022030 1
BBS Electra 16" x 7" +53 (Gold) 2810055300 1
BBS 17" x 8.5" +48 (for the 22b) S075580020 1
Rays 16" x 7" +53 2810055310 1
Rays 17" x 7" +50 2810055320 1
Rays 17" x 7.5" +53 281004S000 1
Rays 18" x 7.5" +53 281004S010 1
Rays RS Zero 17" x 7.5" +48 2810055330 1
Rays RS Zero 18" x 7.5" +48 2810055340 1
Rays RS Zero 17" x 8" +40 2810055340 1
Steel Take-off Wheels 28111AC100TO 1
Subaru 1998 RS 16" x 7" +53 28111FA350 1
Subaru 1999 RS 16" x 7" +53 28111FA490 1
Subaru 2000/2001 RS 16" x 7" +53 28111FA270 1
Subaru 5 Spoke 14" x 6" +53 SACC2025 1
Subaru 5 Spoke 14" x 6" +53 B3100FE100 1
Subaru 5 Spoke 15" x 6" +53 B3100AE000 1
Subaru Ashtron 14" x 6" +53 SACC2211 1
Subaru Phantom 15" x 6" +53 SACC2261 1